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We understand the past. We live in the present.
We design the future.

We create collective value by moving from isolated laws to sustainable legal ecosystems
designing comprehensive public policies.

Axes of our model:
Systems thinking
Common well-being between public and private sectors

Our conviction: today is the right moment to impact positively our present to design a better future.

What do we do?
We make EPOCA
We analyze the current environment in terms of public policies and regulations of our clients
We design the strategy and activities to follow
We maximize the scope of the strategy and activities
We design comprehensive public policies with sustainable impact
We participate in the projects implementation as part of our clients' team

About us
We have extensive experience, both nationally and internationally, to advise our clients in the design of comprehensive and sustainable public policies, accompanying them at all times until their implementation.
Founder and Managing Partner
Manuel Lira is founder and managing partner of IdeaDuctus. He has successfully collaborated in the last decade, nationally and internationally, in one of the most regulated industries in the world, designing public policies in economic and regulatory matters.

Manuel is passionate about designing public policies that allow the sustained growth of the private and public sectors.
Manuel grew up in Mexico and has lived in New York and Switzerland.
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